Price of Electricity again going to Increase in Pakistan – Check Latest Prices

Price of Electricity again going to Increase in Pakistan – Check Latest Prices

As we all know Increasing any sort of Price can affect both the decision-maker and the consumers. The Pressure of suddenly Increasing prices can disturb the household budget of normal people. A New Application has been submitted about the new increase in the prices of electricity by the Nepra.

New Electricity Rate in Pakistan

According to sources it has been reported that the new Application has been submitted to the Nepra to increase the Prices of Electricity per Unit. The New Rate that has been written in the Application for an increase in Electricity is 2 Rupees 94 Pase. For May 2024, it has been submitted that there is a chance that new Prices will be 2 Rupees 94 Pase.

Why is the Price again going to Increase?

It has been stated that this Sudden increase in the Prices of Electricity Per Unit is because of the monthly fuel adjustment of March. The Final and official statement will be confirmed on the 26th of April. Because of the Increase in the use of Electricity in March and April, the Government decided to increase the rates of Electricity.

Impact on Consumers

Increasing the rates of electricity every month is now becoming challenging for consumers. Households with a particularly low income value are now finding it difficult to cope with every monthly increase in the rate of electricity with other expenses. Nowadays no one can survive without electricity. As summer is approaching the use of electricity in every household is also increasing. And with this monthly increase in electricity bills people are filling with waves of anger. Additionally, industries and businesses face increased production costs, hampering their competitiveness in both domestic and international markets. The cumulative effect is a slowdown in economic growth and reduced standards of living for many Pakistanis.